Rebirth You ~The Soul Story
You are a Soul, you have been born here on Earth into a Body, a Family, a life to Remember Who You Are. Along this Soul journey you will meet other Souls, have relationships, maybe even birth new Souls in the world who call you Mama or Papa. The Soul journey is a Healing process, as we remember who we are, we are walking ultimately home, to Love, to the Source of all, to our true nature. We are waking up from a dream or forgetting, which leads me to the Soul work. This is the work we are each called to do in order to remember who we are and return home, to wake up to the Love that we are. We don't have to walk alone or do this work in isolation. Together we can wake up, let go and learn to Love.
Rebirth is the journey to take with me in 2024 ~
Rebirth ~ which includes:
A monthly intensive class & ceremony
Personal Chart work
2 Small Group mentorship sessions per month ~Growing together & Rebirth
Monthly Ceremony & Transmissions
Quarterly Astrology Master Classes
Opening Ritual, Integration & Closing Retreats*
***Optional Add on 4 (or 8) Private Soul Sessions with Michelle
*April & November retreats will be available on Zoom or in Person, In person travel & lodging costs are not included
Tier 1 ~ Payment Plan $95 a month for 12 months
Pay in Full Here ~ Full Year Discount $995
Use the code SelfLove to take $15 off if you need a discount on the monthly payment option.
Scholarships & Alternative Payment Plans available on an as requested basis, please email me Astrologywithmichelle@gmail.com
Evolution ~Live Monthly Transmission & New Moon Ceremony with Michelle
From the End to the Beginning back to the End, From New Moon to Full Moon to the New Again 🌝🌚🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌚
Join me each month for The Month Ahead, a full Transmission for the Month Ahead.
Includes Access to the Live call, the Recording, and the Live New Moon Ceremony during the month is included all for $15 a Month.
New Moon Dates for 2024
Capricorn ~ Jan 11th
Aquarius ~Feb 9th
Pisces ~ March 10th
Aries ~April 8th
Taurus ~May 8th
Gemini ~June 6th
Cancer~July 5th
Leo~ Aug 4th
Virgo ~Sept 3rd
Libra~Oct 3rd
Scorpio~Nov 1st
Sagittarius~Dec 1st
Each transmission is focused on the theme for the month, including astrology on the month ahead and teaching on the Moon for the Month (After 12 Months we will have a complete library of Moon signs which you can access and listen to anytime.
🪐⚡️Learn about the Planetary energy, Learn about the Goddesses, Follow the Moon & her phases, and Deepen in your own growth with Astrology
😍🤩If you LOVE Astrology this is a great way to learn about the Transits, Build Community and Set intentions every month for your own Soul Growth.
Join me for the Evolution Student membership for $15 a month or Upgrade to the Growing Together Group and you get monthly semi-private mentoring with Me, in a small Group container.
This Monthly Group is an intentional container for practice and growth. We will tune into the Natal Chart, Growing as an Astrologer or Growing in your Gifts, Medicine and Service to the World. You don't have to want to be an Astrologer to join the group, in our container we will bring forth the Individual callings of our Path and focus on the Practice, the Accountability and the Insight to Grow Together.
Group Sessions are 90 min, Date & Times to be set by the Group, Classes will be recorded and the Group will be receiving special guidance transmission for each month. The Class series includes Access to the monthly New Moon Ceremony. Additionally Growing Together Participants will Receive Access to a Quarterly Masterclass to dive deeply into a specific topic. If you are a past or current Love Evolution Student you will receive an additional discount for doing both Groups.
Private Apprentice Sessions are available to group members at a discount 15-45min sessions, which can be booked online at anytime here: https://www.astrologywithmichelle.com/book-online
Book a Session
Soul Work can be done in a One on one private Session with your Natal birth chart as the map and Michelle as the guide & translator.