In this video Michelle talks about...the week of Letting Go and oppositions, where the tensions of darkness and growth set us on a path towards feeling the break down of the barriers to real love. This dark time of the moon is guiding us to let go and come into contact with the deeper parts of our heart. Asking the Deeper Questions of Why? to get to the ROOT of what is happening in our Lives. We are healing. We are Transmuting. We are Reconnecting to the ROOT of our Soul.
This week opens the door to the healing we have been calling for, opening us more deeply to the Love that we are Longing for.
This weekend we enter the Vessel, A Sacred container for Healing and we will be holding the Prayers for the Collective, for the Deepest Healing Possible in our minds. It's not to late to join us in this prayer, on 11/11 at 11:11am ~ Email Michelle directly if you are interested