Week Ahead: May 27-June 4th Full Moon Illumination & Jupiter Expansion
In this video Michelle talks about...the week ahead as we expand our learning journey, by embracing everything from within. As everything expands and is increasing, we a called to increase our capacity to create. There is healing in the feminine this week as we look at our values and love and relationships, working out the feelings and basic needs as we meet others in the soul journey. Word of the Week: Expansion!
The Crapy childhood fairy on Healing Clutter: https://youtu.be/FZwY4tAfX1A

Join the FREE Re-Becoming the One 2023 Symposium!

You can Join me for the Source of Resource Master class on Tuesday May 30th 11am PST!
In this Master class you will Learn from a former Financial Planner turned Astrologer, where the Source of Resource is in the Natal Chart Including:
The core Houses that reflect sources of Wealth, Abundance and issues with Money
The Planetary ruler that relate to finances, income and things we own
The Evolutionary Process brought forward by the Transit of Jupiter in Taurus
The Retrograde time of Jupiter & Mercury as they relate to finances, resources and changes in the collective
The opportunity to apply the teachings to your personal chart (Live presence required for Chart practice), you will receive the Recording, the Ritual and The Workbook.
Pick what you Pay or Pay what you can Options for this Master Class.