Registration is Now open for the Vessel ~ A Healing Ceremony Retreat
The Vessel ~ Healing Retreat with Michelle & Lily
“There are no accidents in the Universe, only opportunities for evolution”
In this weekend Retreat we will be entering the Vessel, a Sacred Container for Healing and Transformation on the New Moon in Scorpio, with a Grandmother Prayer Circle on 11/11
The Retreat will be held in a Beautiful Temple Space in Sonoma County.
During the Weekend we will be immersed in all elements of the Evolutionary journey of the Soul, all things bringing Healing and Love, including the process of Letting Go and a Ceremony on 11/11 at 11:11am .
Cost $444 for 1 night including meals, overnight and prayer ceremony.
Retreat Schedule
Saturday ~ Sacred Prayer Practice
Morning arrival between 9-10am
10am Morning Session ~ The Vessel ~ Healing Evolution through the Lens of Your Soul's IntentionSetting Intentions, Setting the Container for our Healing Circle
11:11am ~ Opening the Vessel~ Grandmother Prayer Circle begins*
4pm Afternoon Session ~The Vessel ~ Water Blessing, Grounding in Music, Soul Work, Time for Integration
6pm ~ Nourishment ~ Healing Ayurvedic Dinner
7pm ~ Songs & Sharing with Ari Moshe Wolf & Michelle (Optional)
Sunday ~Sacred Prayer
Morning Prayer~ Optional Morning Practice time, Yoga, Prayers & Meditation & Breakfast/Tea & Coffee time
10am Morning Session ~ The Vessel ~ Ritual & Heart Healing Cacao Ceremony
11am ~ Nourishment ~ Healing Ayurvedic Brunch
12-2pm ~ Vessel Tending ~ Seeding Rebirth & Growth Astrology Transmission for 2024 & Closing Circle
This Retreat includes the opportunity for Private Integration Sessions with Lily or Private Astrology Sessions on Zoom before or following the Retreat.
Private Accommodations are available on Site with Limited Space on first come first serve basis, additional off site Places are available nearby. If you are local to the area, there is a drop in option available for participants. Space is limited to keep a small and intimate container for this work. If you are new to Grandmother Prayer work please get in touch before signing up.